CPC Practice Exam

Medical Billing and Coding Advertisement

medicalbillingandcodingadvertisement This website offers quality content and ranks high in organic searches for key words like:
  • Medical billing and coding
  • What is medical billing and coding
  • billing and coding
  • CPC exam
  • CPC practice exam

We offer affordable advertising space for sites in the same or a related niche.

  • Links go directly to your website with no redirects
  • Each advertisement is allowed to link to one URL
  • Once your
  • Home Page Placement: Your advertisement is placed on the home page and on an appropriate tier two page of your choosing
  • Inner Page Placement: Your advertisement is placed on an appropriate internal page of your choosing
  • All advertisements are text only ads which are placed in our sidebar
  • There are price locks on six months packages, after the six month term expires prices are subject to change based on current page ranking statistics
  • Advertisers may write their own advertisements or request that we write an appropriate advertisement for them
  • We only display subject relevant ads on our site and reserve the right to refuse those sites that we feel are unethical

Advertisement Options

medical billing and coding advertising A. Home Page: (2) 125 x 125 Text Button Advertisements

One ad is placed on the home page, and one on an appropriate tier two page of your choosing

$250.00 per month


$1,250.00 for six months

B. Inner Page: (1) 125 x 125 Text Button Advertisement

One ad is placed on an internal page of your choosing

$100.00 per month


$500.00 for six months


Search engine optimization once was solely dedicated to keywords.

SEO in now much more sophisticated and focuses on a multitude of things to determine a page ranking though.

One of the things that SEO focuses on is inbound links and the quality of them.

Quality inbound links from related, high ranking, websites helps boost individual SEO.

measure your success by advertising with medical billing and coding

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